This serie of banknotes belongs to the period of
Austria after the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II, by dividing
in the country between the victorious powers (although the United
States, France and the United Kingdom prematurely merged their areas to
counteract any influence from the Soviet zone), a
government of the socialist Karl Renner, with the support of the USSR
forming a coalition government and which promoted the Tripartite
Declaration of Moscow proclaimed independence and declared null all
measures of the German administration. There are banknotes of 50 groschen, 1 Austrian schilling, 2 Austrian schilling, 5 Austrian schilling,
10 Austrian schilling, 20 Austrian schilling, 25 Austrian schilling, 50 Austrian schilling, 100 Austrian schilling and 1,000 Austrian schilling.
1 Austrian schilling (ein Schilling)
On the other side there are geometric decorative elements, with three 1's and the written value of the banknote in the middle. This banknote has no digital watermark. The size of this banknote is 11.3 cm x 5.3 cm.
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