This serie of banknotes belongs to the period of
the Second World War, in Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Luxembourg,
Norway, Poland, Soviet Union and Yugoslavia were occupied by Nazi
Germany. In these years began the Holocaust, Austria and the Czech Republic was annexed to the III Reich. This
issue corresponds to the generic one, produced by the
Reichskreditkassen (Imperial Credit Fund) for all the occupied countries
called Reichsbanknote, there being other series specifically created
for the occupied territories. There are banknotes of 50 Pfennig, 1 Mark, 2 Mark, 5 Mark, 20 Mark and 50 Mark.
2 Mark (zwei Mark)
This banknotes worth 2 Mark was first circulated in 1939. On the main side center it can be seen the written value of the banknote and the name of the currency (Reichsbanknote). In the background there's a 1 and has a stamp with the imperial eagle (called Reichsadler) and an swastika, plus a text saying that the banknote was printed by Imperial Credit Fund in German (Reichskreditkassen). In the corners there are four 2's and the rest of the banknote is fulled with decorative elements.
5 Mark (fünf Mark)
In the corners there are two 5's and the
rest of the banknote is fulled with decorative elements. On
the other side of the banknote appears the image of the Reichstag (German's parliament), two 5's, decorative elements and a text saying that counterfeiting banknotes is punished with more than two years in prission. This banknote has spots and crosses as digital
watermark. The size of this banknote
is 12.5 cm x 6.9 cm.
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