This serie of banknotes belongs to the period in which PSOE (leaded
by Felipe González) won three elections on a row, time in which Spain
joined the EEC (European Economic Community), kept being member of NATO
and there was a deep state decentralization. There
are banknotes of 200
pesetas, 500 pesetas, 1,000 pesetas, 2,000 pesetas, 5,000 pesetas and
10,000 pesetas.
banknotes worth 200 pesetas was first circulated September the 16th of 1980.
On the main side right, it can be seen Leopoldo Alas "ClarÃn", a 19th century Spanish writer and critic, writer of the Romantic novel La Regenta. whose compositions are based on folk music. Next to him appears two 200's, the Spanish coat of arms as a constitutional monarchy, the written value of the banknote, the Victory Cross (Asturias' symbol, where Alas was born) and in the upper part, the name of the National Bank in Spanish (Banco de España).
The rest of the banknote is fulled with decorative elements. On
the other side you can see the image of Carbayón (oak in Asturian), a cenntenary oak symbol in UrÃa's street in Oviedo (where Leopoldo was born). There are two 200's, the written value of the banknote and the name of the National Bank. In the upper part appears a piece of La Regenta ("... el ConfÃn, una montaña que escondÃa sus crestas en
las nubes y caÃa a pico sobre valles ocultos..."). This banknote has Leopoldo Alas's face as digital watermark and a security thread too. The size of this banknote
is 12 cm x 6.5 cm.
banknotes worth 500 pesetas was first circulated October the 23rd of 1979.
On the main side right, it can be seen RosalÃa de Castro, a 19th century Spanish Romantic writer whose poems are written in Spanish and in Galician (key in the Galician Rexurdimento). Next to her appears two 500's, the Spanish coat of arms as a constitutional monarchy, the written value of the banknote, a camellia (typical Galician flower, where RosalÃa was born) and in the upper part, the name of the National Bank in Spanish (Banco de España).
The rest of the banknote is fulled with decorative elements. On the other side you can see the image the house-museum of RosalÃa de Castro, in Padrón, Galicia (where RosalÃa was born). There are two 500's, the written value of the banknote and the name of the National Bank. In the upper part appears a piece of Follas novas, one of her books in Gallician ("... Non Follas novas, ramallo de toxos e silvas sós, hirtas, coma as miñas penas, feras, coma a miña dor..."). This banknote has RosalÃa de Castro's face as digital watermark and a security thread too. The size of this banknote is 12.9 cm x 7 cm.
banknotes worth 1,000 pesetas was first circulated October the 23rd of 1979.
On the main side right, it can be seen Benito Pérez Galdós, a 19th century Spanish writer, playwright and politician, one of the most important and prolific in Spain's history. Next to her appears two 1,000's, the Spanish coat of arms as a constitutional monarchy, the written value of the banknote, a dracaena (typical Canary tree, where Pérez Galdós was born) and in the upper part, the name of the National Bank in Spanish (Banco de España).
The rest of the banknote is fulled with decorative elements. On the other side you can see the Roque Cinchado, in Teide National Park in Tenerife island, a millenary dracaena (in Icod de los Vinos) and Canary islands' map. There are two 1,000's, the written value of the banknote and the name of the National Bank. In the upper part appears a piece of Zaragoza, one of the parts of his serie Episodios Nacionales ("... y entre los muerte habrá siempre una lengua via para decir que Zaragoza no se rinde..."). This banknote has Benito Pérez Galdós's face as digital watermark and a security thread too. The size of this banknote is 13.8 cm x 7.5 cm.
banknotes worth 2,000 pesetas was first circulated July the 22nd of 1980.
On the main side right, it can be seen Juan Ramón Jiménez, a 19th and 20th century Spanish poet who won the Nobel prize and write of Platero y yo. Next to her appears two 2,000's, the Spanish coat of arms as a constitutional monarchy, the written value of the banknote, roses (symbol frequently used by Jiménez) and in the upper part, the name of the National Bank in Spanish (Banco de España).
The rest of the banknote is fulled with decorative elements. On the other side you can see the Columbian-style local council of Moguer (Andalusia), where Juan Ramón was born. There are two 2,000's, the written value of the banknote and the name of the National Bank. In the upper part appears a piece of AlegrÃa Nocturna ("... ¡Allá va el olor de la rosa! ¡Cógelo en tu sinrazón!..."). This banknote has Juan Ramón Jiménez's face as digital watermark and a security thread too. The size of this banknote is 14.7 cm x 8 cm.
banknotes worth 5,000 pesetas was first circulated October the 23rd of 1979.
On the main side right, it can be seen Juan Carlos I, Spanish king who took the country from Franco's dictatorship to the transition to democracy. Next to her appears two 5,000's, the Spanish coat of arms as a constitutional monarchy, the written value of the banknote, a fleur de lis (Bourbon's dynasty symbol) and in the upper part, the name of the National Bank in Spanish (Banco de España).
The rest of the banknote is fulled with decorative elements. On the other side you can see the Royal Palace image and its outline (built by Philip V, first Bourbon dynasty king, in 1734), in Madrid. There are two 5,000's, the written value of the banknote and the name of the National Bank. In the upper part appears a piece of a letter Juan Carlos I wrote (" Para la Corona y los demás órganos del estado, todas las aspiraciones son legÃtimas, y todas deben, en beneficio de la comunidad, limitarse recÃprocamente"). This banknote has Juan Carlos I's face as digital watermark and a security thread too. The size of this banknote is 15.6 cm x 8.5 cm.
banknotes worth 10,000 pesetas was first circulated September the 24th of 1985.
On the main side right, it can be seen Juan Carlos I, Spanish king who took the country from Franco's dictatorship to the transition to democracy. Next to her appears two 10,000's, the Spanish coat of arms as a constitutional monarchy, the written value of the banknote, the Order of the Golden Fleece's insignia (the most important Roman Catholic order of chivalry) and in the upper part, the name of the National Bank in Spanish (Banco de España).
The rest of the banknote is fulled with decorative elements. On the other side you can see the former Prince of Asturias, Felipe (current Philip VI) and El Escorial, a place where all the Spanish kings are buried. There are two 10,000's, the written value of the banknote and the name of the National Bank. In the upper part appears a piece of a letter Felipe wrote ("...que todos y cada uno, desde el puesto que nos corresponde, podamos cumplir nuestra misión en la paz, en la libertad y en la justicia, para el engrandecimiento de nuestra Patria..."). This banknote has three fleur de lis and the Order of the Golden Fleece's insignia as digital watermark and a security thread too. The size of this banknote is 16.5 cm x 8.5 cm.
200 pesetas (doscientas pesetas)
500 pesetas (quinientas pesetas)

The rest of the banknote is fulled with decorative elements. On the other side you can see the image the house-museum of RosalÃa de Castro, in Padrón, Galicia (where RosalÃa was born). There are two 500's, the written value of the banknote and the name of the National Bank. In the upper part appears a piece of Follas novas, one of her books in Gallician ("... Non Follas novas, ramallo de toxos e silvas sós, hirtas, coma as miñas penas, feras, coma a miña dor..."). This banknote has RosalÃa de Castro's face as digital watermark and a security thread too. The size of this banknote is 12.9 cm x 7 cm.
1,000 pesetas (mil pesetas)

The rest of the banknote is fulled with decorative elements. On the other side you can see the Roque Cinchado, in Teide National Park in Tenerife island, a millenary dracaena (in Icod de los Vinos) and Canary islands' map. There are two 1,000's, the written value of the banknote and the name of the National Bank. In the upper part appears a piece of Zaragoza, one of the parts of his serie Episodios Nacionales ("... y entre los muerte habrá siempre una lengua via para decir que Zaragoza no se rinde..."). This banknote has Benito Pérez Galdós's face as digital watermark and a security thread too. The size of this banknote is 13.8 cm x 7.5 cm.
2,000 pesetas (dos mil pesetas)

The rest of the banknote is fulled with decorative elements. On the other side you can see the Columbian-style local council of Moguer (Andalusia), where Juan Ramón was born. There are two 2,000's, the written value of the banknote and the name of the National Bank. In the upper part appears a piece of AlegrÃa Nocturna ("... ¡Allá va el olor de la rosa! ¡Cógelo en tu sinrazón!..."). This banknote has Juan Ramón Jiménez's face as digital watermark and a security thread too. The size of this banknote is 14.7 cm x 8 cm.
5,000 pesetas (cinco mil pesetas)

The rest of the banknote is fulled with decorative elements. On the other side you can see the Royal Palace image and its outline (built by Philip V, first Bourbon dynasty king, in 1734), in Madrid. There are two 5,000's, the written value of the banknote and the name of the National Bank. In the upper part appears a piece of a letter Juan Carlos I wrote (" Para la Corona y los demás órganos del estado, todas las aspiraciones son legÃtimas, y todas deben, en beneficio de la comunidad, limitarse recÃprocamente"). This banknote has Juan Carlos I's face as digital watermark and a security thread too. The size of this banknote is 15.6 cm x 8.5 cm.
10,000 pesetas (diez mil pesetas)

The rest of the banknote is fulled with decorative elements. On the other side you can see the former Prince of Asturias, Felipe (current Philip VI) and El Escorial, a place where all the Spanish kings are buried. There are two 10,000's, the written value of the banknote and the name of the National Bank. In the upper part appears a piece of a letter Felipe wrote ("...que todos y cada uno, desde el puesto que nos corresponde, podamos cumplir nuestra misión en la paz, en la libertad y en la justicia, para el engrandecimiento de nuestra Patria..."). This banknote has three fleur de lis and the Order of the Golden Fleece's insignia as digital watermark and a security thread too. The size of this banknote is 16.5 cm x 8.5 cm.
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